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If you want things in your life to change, you must change things in your life.

LikeMinde is a collective community mastermind of beings who collectively agree on raising our vibration and creating our dreams. Focusing on what we want and making it happen. It is the likemindedness that makes someone successful. Being around likeminded beings boosts your results because it raises your belief. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve. Success is a decision away.


Hear It From Me

My mission for creating LikeMinde has always been an idea in the making ever since I was about seven or eight years old. I wanted purpose and meaning in my life and I would come up with brand names for my first company. My first "solid" idea was MINDE which stood as an acronym for the initials of my immediate blood related family as well as representing the mind and how my family was all I really cared for and wanted to take care of. I always knew the power of the mind instinctively, I was just never told or pushed to think about it or learn about it until getting around people that wanted the life I envisioned. After some time, even throughout high school, I always kept this dream in my head. Once I graduated I quickly figured out I had to trust my gut and have faith in order to keep moving forward to have a successful life. After summer of graduation I started building a business with some great people that are now some of my closest and most loyal friends. Throughout the three and a half years since graduating my idea evolved to LikeMinded Mastermind. Being around people that want to win and see you win is so crucial. Having mentors, being a student, being a workout partner and having a good partner yourself are all part of the LikeMinde Mastermind Experience. Having a happy, healthy, wealthy life for yourself and for those you love.

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Miami, FL, USA


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